Optimizing Astro Websites for SEO: Plugins, Performance, and Best Practices

Learn how to supercharge your Astro.js website's SEO with practical tips, plugins, and best practices for better search engine rankings.

Sitemaps and RSS Feeds

Make it easy for search engines to crawl your site

yarn add @astrojs/sitemap @astrojs/rss astro-robots-txt

@astrojs/sitemap Automatically generates a sitemap.xml - crucial for search engines to understand your site structure.

@astrojs/rss Add an RSS feed for blogs or frequently updated content.

astro-robots-txt Generates a robots.txt file. This tells search engines which pages to crawl and which to ignore.

Meta Tags and Structured Data

Search engines love metadata. Use these tools to make your site stand out:

yarn add astro-meta-tags astro-seo-schema

astro-meta-tags: Easily add meta tags for titles, descriptions, and Open Graph (OG) tags for better control over how your content appears in search results

astro-seo-schema: Add structured data for rich snippets. JSON-LD helps search engines understand your content better, potentially resulting in rich snippets. Use tools like Schema Markup Generator to create JSON-LD scripts.

Performance Optimization

Speed matters for SEO! Here’s how to optimize performance:

yarn add astro-compress astro-purgecss

astro-compress: Compresses your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Smaller files = faster load times.

astro-purgecss: Removes unused CSS, keeping your stylesheets lean.

Astro Image Optimization

Images affect both user experience and search rankings.

Where to store images ? src/ vs public/

Use src/ when possible so that Astro can transform, optimize and bundle your files.

Use /public folder if you want to avoid any processing or to have a direct public link.

Display optimized images with Astro’s native components

Use <Image /> and <Picture /> components for optimized images. Astro syntax also supports writing <img> tag directly, which skips image processing.

import { Picture, Image } from 'astro:assets';
import myImage from '../src/images/my-image.jpg';
<Image src={myImage} width={800} height={600} alt="Descriptive alt text" />
<!-- Use modern formats like WebP or AVIF for better compression. -->
<Picture src={myImage} formats={['avif', 'webp']} alt="Descriptive alt text" />

Keep Astro Updated

The Astro team consistently improves performance with each update. Staying current ensures you benefit from these optimizations.

yarn upgrade astro --latest

For more advanced techniques, check out the Complete Guide to SEO Optimization.