My Developer Workspace: Tools, Extensions, and Setup

As developers, we spend countless hours crafting code, testing ideas, and pushing projects forward. The tools we choose can make or break our workflow. In this post, I’m giving you a behind-the-scenes look at my development setup—what keeps me productive, efficient, and, of course, sane.

My Developer Workspace: Tools, Extensions, and Setup

Here’s a breakdown of the software, VSCode extensions, and productivity hacks that power my day-to-day development process

VSCode – My IDE of Choice

I’m a VSCode user. I’ve customized it with the following extensions that make coding a lot easier:

  • Atom One Dark Theme: Smooth, eye-friendly dark theme—keeps me in the flow. URL
  • Code Spell Checker: Catches those pesky spelling errors in comments and strings. URL
  • EditorConfig: Keeps my coding styles consistent across different projects. URL
  • ESLint: A must-have for writing clean, error-free JavaScript. URL
  • GitLens: Enhances Git integration with super helpful visualizations. URL
  • Highlight Matching Tag: This makes navigating HTML and XML tags a breeze. URL
  • Import Cost: Gives me the size of imported packages, ensuring I keep things lean and optimized. URL
  • Increment Selection: Handy for selecting matching text or code blocks quickly. URL
  • JavaScript (ES6) code snippets: Save time with ready-to-use JS snippets. URL
  • Live Server: Perfect for developing locally with auto-reloads. URL
  • Prettier Formatter: Automatically formats my code based on pre-configured styles. URL
  • Thunder Client: A lightweight Rest API Client. URL
  • Total TypeScript: Get translations of TypeScript’s most cryptic errors. URL

Windows Terminal – Multi-Tab

I run a multi-tab Windows Terminal, which allows me to open tabs for Bash, PowerShell, or whatever else I need. I can split the screen when multitasking across environments. URL

Browsers for Testing

  • Firefox: This is my go-to browser for web testing and debugging. Plus, DevTools are all built-in — no extra add-ons.
  • Microsoft Edge & Chrome: I use these browsers to make sure everything works cross-browsers.

Git Fork – Git Client

A minimal and fast Git client, It’s simple, intuitive, and just gets the job done and it’s free! URL

Sublime Text – Quick File Edits

When I need to edit something fast, Sublime Text comes in clutch. It’s lightweight and lets me make quick edits without opening my full IDE.

Postman – API Testing

Postman is my tool of choice for testing APIs. i use it mainly when working on a large projects, or when working on a shared workspace.

PowerToys – All-In-One Productivity Boost

Microsoft PowerToys is my Swiss Army knife for productivity. Features like PowerRename, Always on Top, Color Picker, and more.. URL